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Fertility Lingo 101: Surrogacy & Egg Donation Terms You Need To Know

Hatch Fertility
Written by Hatch Fertility

Ever been on a message board where everyone seems to be talking in a secret language? Terms like TTC, EDD, and PG are being thrown around and you can’t help but start to feel a little lost.

Well, my friend, we’re here to help. Here is the ultimate guide for all the surrogacy terms and abbreviations you need to know.

People Lingo on Your Fertility Journey

Let’s start with the people that are on this journey together. Everyone has been given an abbreviated name to make communication a little simpler. Because let’s be honest, no one likes to type out reproductive endocrinologist too many times.

Let’s run through these in alphabetical order: 

DE: Donor Eggs 

This term refers to the eggs retrieved from your donor.

ED: Egg Donor

This term refers to the woman who donated her eggs to the intended couple.

IF: Intended Father

This term refers to a man recipient of assisted reproductive technology (ART). 

IM: Intended Mother

This refers to a woman recipient of assisted reproductive technology (ART). 

IP: Intended Parents

This term refers to the couple that will be the baby’s parents.

GS or GC: Gestational Surrogate, or Gestational Carrier

This term is used when talking about the surrogate and the type of surrogacy. With a gestational surrogate or carrier, the surrogate is not related to the baby.

OB: The Obstetrician

The obstetrician is the doctor looking after the Surrogate while she is pregnant.

PBO: Pre-Birth Order

A pre-birth order is a legal document that establishes the intended parent(s) as the legal parent(s) on the birth certificate. In some less surrogacy-friendly states, a pre-birth order is necessary to name the intended parents on the birth certificate to establish them the legal parents of the baby.

RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist

This term refers to the fertility doctor(s) alongside your journey to parenthood. 

SD: Sperm Donor

This term refers to the man whose sperms are used to fertilize the egg.

Surro: Surrogate

This is a shortened term for a surrogate.

TS: Traditional Surrogate

Traditional surrogates refer to when the surrogate is both the egg donor and the carrier of the baby. The TS does share a biological connection to the child, unlike a gestational surrogate. 

Medical Lingo on Your Fertility Journey

The Medical side of in vitro and surrogacy can get complicated. Add some unknown abbreviations and you’re sure to be confused. Here’s a breakdown of the medical terms you may see.

2WW: 2-week wait

This refers to the time between implantation (embryo transfer) and getting a positive or negative blood pregnancy test result.

AF: Aunt Flo

Slang for your monthly period. ‘Nuff said. 

AI: Artificial insemination

The process for conceiving with a traditional surrogate. This is only done if the surrogate is the egg donor as well.

BFN: Big Fat Negative

How you announce a negative pregnancy test (hopefully you never have to).

BFP: Big Fat Positive

How you announce a positive pregnancy test!

BMI: Body Mass Index

A way to gauge the pounds vs. height of an egg donor or surrogate. Some agencies and medical offices use this as a tool to measure a healthy weight.

BR: Bed Rest

This term refers to when your doctor tells you to limit your activity due to the strain on the pregnancy.

DPR or PR: Days Post Retrieval or Post Retrieval

The method used to count the days post the retrieval of the eggs. 

DPT: Days Post Transfer

The method used to count the days after the eggs have been transferred. Also used PT

EDD: Estimated Due Date

This is, well, your estimated due date! When surrogates and intended parents experience successful fertilization and a BFP on the blood pregnancy test, you’ll have an estimated due date. 

ET: Embryo Transfer

A step within in vitro fertilization, the embryo transfer is a process your fertility specialist manages that involves transferring unfrozen fertilized embryos into your or your surrogate’s uterus.  

FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer

An alternative to an embryo transfer, a frozen embryo transfer is a process of implanting the frozen embryos into your or your surrogate’s uterus. 

hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

hCG is the hormone produced early in pregnancy, which is naturally released after successful implantation. This is what triggers a BFP during your pregnancy test. 

IVF: In Vitro Fertilization

The process of putting fertilized eggs into the surrogate. For gestational surrogates, IVF is used to fertilize the intended parents’ sperm and eggs to create a biological connection with the intended parents, not the surrogate. 

IUI: Intrauterine Insemination

Intrauterine insemination is a fertility treatment that involves placing sperm within a woman’s uterus to facilitate fertilization. 

LMP: Last Menstrual Period

As an egg donor or surrogate, you will get asked this a lot!

PG - Pregnant

The one word everyone wants to hear!

PGG: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis

Genetic analysis on a live embryo to determine if there is any abnormality or genetic disease in chromosomes. By examining each embryo, your fertility specialist can determine the strongest, healthiest embryo(s) to implant within the surrogate or intended mother to increase your chances of a successful conception. 

PGS: Preimplantation genetic screening 

Genetic analysis on a live embryo to assess the number of chromosomes present. If more or less than 46 chromosomes are present (2 pairs of 23), there is an aneuploidy -- too many or too few chromosomes in the embryo.  

TTC: Trying To Conceive

A term to describe couples having unprotected sex to begin their journey into parenthood. 

US: Ultrasound

A non-invasive procedure to check on the baby, ultrasounds are done periodically throughout the pregnancy. Ultrasounds can confirm the pregnancy, reveal the baby’s heartbeat, and see images at different stages in the pregnancy journey. If you’re expecting twins or multiples, your doctor may decide to do more ultrasounds.

Surrogacy and Egg Donation Terms, Defined

So, there you have it. Your basic guide to the most commonly used Surrogacy terms and abbreviations used. Now when you jump on the message boards, you’ll be able to communicate like a pro.

And remember, we’re here for you. If you have any other questions regarding surrogacy, don’t hesitate to contact us. We here for all your questions and concerns.

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