What is a Surrogate?

A surrogate, also known as a Gestational Carrier, is an amazing individual who selflessly carries a pregnancy to term for another individual or couple, helping them achieve the dream of family. Surrogacy is a form of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) where the surrogate, most often a healthy woman with her own children, undergoes a carefully monitored journey to carry and deliver a child. Unlike traditional surrogacy, where the surrogate is related to the child, at Hatch, we service gestational surrogacy, involving the implantation of the intended parent’s embryo. The pregnancy is achieved through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) allowing the surrogate to carry without sharing a genetic connection with the child.

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what is a surrogate

Why Does Someone Become a Surrogate?

Below are some of the reasons we hear most often for why people want to become a surrogate:

  • Desire to give the gift of parenthood after experiencing the joys of family
  • Motivated to help those undergoing fertility struggles
  • Desire to help LGBTQ+ families
  • Empathize with the longing to have children
  • Some women love being pregnant

Ultimately, becoming a surrogate looks a little different for everyone, as each surrogate and family are unique. At Hatch, it is important for us that our surrogates approach the process from a place of compassion and altruism. We take pride in curating a positive experience for both surrogates and intended parents.

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why become a surrogate

Sarah, 3x surrogate and Hatch team member.

Requirements To Become a Surrogate

We have carefully crafted our surrogacy requirements and qualifications to ensure that your surrogacy journey is a healthy and safe experience. If you are contemplating becoming a surrogate, we urge you to take a moment to assess the following criteria. Below are the basic requirements for becoming a surrogate.

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surrogacy citizenship requirement

U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident

surrogacy age requirements

Age 21-42

healthy pregnancy history - surrogacy requirements

Healthy Pregnancy History

surrogacy bmi requirement

Healthy BMI (Max 32)

healthy and stable lifestyle surrogacy requirement

Healthy and Stable Lifestyle

Surrogacy is a huge commitment and safety, and well being is our top priority. Many factors can take part in surrogacy disqualifications, and these criteria are set in place to ensure the best experience possible.

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Know someone who would make a great surrogate? Join our referral program.

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How Much Do Surrogates Make?

The gift of parenthood is priceless, and we firmly believe surrogates should be valued for their role in the family-building journey. At Hatch, our surrogacy compensation packages are competitive and designed to be all-encompassing of your needs. Below are benefits you can expect from working with our premier agency:

  • Bonuses for medical and legal clearance
  • Compensation for lost wages (applicable to partner if needed)
  • Household allowances
  • Childcare allowances as medically needed
  • Personalized gifts
  • Pregnancy bonuses for C-sections, additional IVF transfers, and twin pregnancies

Compensation packages start at $61,100 for surrogates and $66,100 for California-based surrogates. Experienced surrogates can expect an additional $10,000 per successful surrogacy to their base pay.

Download Our Surrogate Compensation Package

11 Steps to Becoming a Surrogate

Step 1: Complete the Hatch Surrogate Application

First, you must apply to be a surrogate by filling out our program’s application. After receiving this form, a surrogacy specialist from the Hatch team will contact you through one of the communication methods you’ve provided for an educational call with you about our program.

Step 2: Review Pregnancy Medical Records

Hatch is one of the only programs to medically pre-qualify surrogates so intended parents and surrogates are best set up for a smooth and successful journey. After your initial call, your match coordinator will send you a questionnaire that covers your medical history. 

Your team will help you obtain copies of previous medical records from your OB offices, delivery hospitals, and IVF clinics (if applicable). Once your records come in, an IVF doctor will review these for medical pre-approval to ensure you’re a good medical candidate for surrogacy and able to proceed with this journey.

Step 3: Social Screening Video Call

Once your application has been received, your coordinator will schedule your first video screening. This will be a face-to-face video conference with a focus on getting to know you and answering your questions to help you determine if the surrogacy program at Hatch is the right fit. This will also help us successfully match you with the perfect intended parents.

Step 4: Medical Information Call

Next, your coordinator will explain the medical aspects of the surrogacy process and answer any questions you may have. During this call, we’ll discuss the IVF screening, cycle, and transfer, as well as other considerations that might be applicable to your journey.

Step 5: Spouse or Partner Call

If applicable, your coordinator will talk with your partner to ensure that they’re supportive of your surrogacy journey and answer any questions they may have. Surrogacy is a process that affects the entire family, and it’s important to make sure that your partner is on board and feels supported throughout your journey.

Step 6: Welcome Packet Paperwork

Once your medical records have been approved, you’ll receive a complete welcome package of paperwork that provides information about being a surrogate. This packet will also include pertinent details and forms that authorize routine background checks for you and your partner, and provide driver's license copies as well as pay stubs to calculate future lost wages when planning surrogate compensation.

Step 7: Criminal and Financial Background Check

After you’ve been approved by our medical director, our surrogacy team will submit a request to run routine background checks for you and your partner (if applicable).

Step 8: Lining Check or Mock Cycle

Depending on your current method of birth control, we'll ask you to complete a mock cycle (IUD, depo shot, implant, BC pill, or any other hormonal birth control) or a simple ultrasound lining check (no BC, tubal ligation) to confirm that your uterine lining is adequate for surrogacy, and you don’t have any fibroids, cysts, or polyps that could disqualify or delay you from proceeding medically.  This screening usually isn’t done until after matching with other programs which can be very disappointing for you and the intended parents if the news isn’t good, and you have formed a connection with a family but medically couldn’t be cleared to proceed. This helps you to match with confidence and provides assurance that your in-person medical screening will go great!  

Step 9: Psychological Screening

After your background check(s), you and your partner will meet with a mental health professional to discuss your readiness for the surrogacy journey. Your mental health professional will administer an MMPI-2 test to assess your personality and motivational fit, as well as screen for major psychological concerns. The interview and test results will be combined into a psychological report that will determine if you can proceed as a surrogate.

Step 10: Surrogate Responsibility Call

This call is designed to review all of your responsibilities and expectations in place as a surrogate. Not to scare you, but rather to reinforce the significance of your role and provide support in any way possible. Your coordinator is happy to address any questions or concerns you may have and provide assurance, whether it’s your first journey or your fourth.

Step 11: Matching

Once you’ve passed the screening process, you’re ready to find your perfect match. Our surrogacy coordinators will consider your wants and needs, personality, medical history, and state laws to match you with the perfect intended parents. You’ll receive a “Dear Surrogate” letter written by the intended parents along with pictures. If you love what you read and feel that this individual or couple is the right match for you, your intended parent coordinator will facilitate an initial meeting via video conference to solidify the match. We look forward to welcoming you into our surrogate family and know you’ll feel right at home.

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Hatch Fertility is the Best Surrogacy Agency for Surrogates

Hatch Fertility is known for setting the standards for surrogacy. We take pride in our 30+ years of experience, supportive team, and holistic care for surrogates, donors, and intended parents on this life-changing journey. Here are some of our highlights:

  • 99%+ success rate
  • Access to in-house world-renowned fertility physicians
  • 8,000+ surrogates and donors served
  • 50+ Countries served
  • A team with first-hand personal surrogacy experience

We understand the importance of compassionate care and are dedicated to the families we serve. At Hatch, we have partnered with Pacific Fertility Center Los Angeles, the best fertility clinic in LA, to ensure our families have access to in-house fertility support from world-class fertility doctors. Intended Parents and Surrogates can work with a clinic of their choice, though can be comforted by our direct access to expert care.

At Hatch, we are established, passionate, inclusive, supportive, comprehensive, and serve families worldwide.

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Surrogate Testimonials & Stories

We understand prospecting surrogacy agencies to find the right fit can be challenging. Oftentimes, aspiring surrogates are looking to compare care, compensation, processes, and more. Here is what Hatch surrogates have to say about working with our surrogacy agency:

"My family and I are now a part of this beautiful, amazing, caring family and we have Hatch to thank for it. I was so happy that someone wanted me to carry their child. What an honor and blessing it was."

"It's the most rewarding, selfless thing that anyone can do. I loved being pregnant and would love to do something like that for somebody else. If anyone is considering being a surrogate, I’d tell them to go for it. Absolutely."

"Being a three time surrogate for this company has been the greatest experience I could have every had. The staff is amazing!!! They are with you every step of the way and there to comfort you when things aren't going as predicted. They are there at all hours of the day for whatever you need."

surrogate testimonials

Shoshannah, 4x surrogate and Hatch team member.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Become a Surrogate

How does a surrogate become pregnant?

Gestational carriers undergo IVF treatment to achieve pregnancy and is not genetically related to the child they carry. An embryo created by the intended parents is transferred into the surrogate's uterus by a reproductive endocrinologist. This is a low-impact procedure that doesn't require pain relief or anesthesia. Pregnancy is confirmed by blood test around 10 days after transfer.

Is Surrogacy Legal?

Surrogacy law is complex and can differ from state to state in the US. For example, California is a highly surrogacy-friendly state, but others, such as Nebraska and Louisiana, are not. At Hatch, we only accept candidates from surrogacy friendly states and work with third party attorneys to ensure a smooth journey.

How long will it take for me to be matched with the intended parent?

The matching process varies but it typically takes an average of three months. Our matching coordinators at Hatch work closely with you to understand your wants and needs so we can recommend the most compatible matches.

Do surrogates suffer any negative effects from surrogacy?

With any pregnancy, there is a certain amount of physical, emotional, or mental risks. Fortunately, additional risks for negative effects are very rare for surrogates. Most women talk about how much they enjoyed the experience and want to do it again after completing a surrogacy journey.

What does the screening process entail?

Our screening process is designed to best prepare you for the journey ahead. After getting to know you through an initial screening call, your surrogate coordinator will take an in-depth review of your health history, personal background, and answer any questions you may have around this exciting time, and educate you on what to expect throughout this journey.

What is the difference between traditional and gestational surrogacy?

Gestational surrogacy is the process of implanting a fertilized embryo in a gestational carrier, who shares no genetic relationship to the child but carries the baby to term. This is the type of surrogacy we facilitate at our agency. During traditional surrogacy, the gestational carrier undergoes artificial insemination and is genetically related to the child.


Stay up-to-date and informed with resources on egg donation, surrogacy and parenthood.